Looking for motivation? It’s time to change up your running routes! A change of running scenery can do wonders. Plus, running the same routes may lead to injury. Unfortunately, I’m not the most adventurous runner…

Making running fun…by making fun of it
Looking for motivation? It’s time to change up your running routes! A change of running scenery can do wonders. Plus, running the same routes may lead to injury. Unfortunately, I’m not the most adventurous runner…
I quit every sport and activity but running was the one sport that I came back to. Here’s how committing to running changed my life forever.
Twice within the past two weeks I was reminded that the best-laid running plans sometimes set us up for disappointment — and that’s ok! I’ve found that great disappointments serve …
How we can use the power and benefits of running to impact the people in our life. The average runner is no more selfless than a swimmer, bicyclist, hiker, or …