running on a track

Why Running On A Track Actually Isn’t Horrible

For the longest time I avoided running on a track. Blame it on my PTSD from the annual gym class “mile run” in grade school. Yes, believe it or not, I used to hate running. Now, I’m practically insufferable writing about anything and everything running-related. I guess that’s what they call growth?

Why would I want to run in a giant circle repeatedly on display, in the spotlight for anyone and their grandmother to watch? Yes, I’m aware no one desires to see me run, but it’s just the fact that someone could. Possibly it’ll be some day in a dystopian future when…

running with music

The Benefits of Running with Music, Podcasts, and Silence

The only time I run without listening to music or podcasts is when I run with someone. As much as I love running, I still need a good podcast episode to keep me motivated for the long haul on those long runs. Or a “beast mode” playlist to help me tame that “beast” of a speed workout. There are many days when I’m not motivated to run. But, knowing I can take my mind off the task of running and get lost in a good discussion or a memorable verse with an up-tempo beat to help pass the miles is all I need to pass through my front door.

running routes and running mindset

How Running Routes Can Impact Your Running Mindset

Running is one of the greatest ways to discover new roads, neighborhoods, trails, the best views, and any other part of the setting we call home. But, often times, we don’t have to stray from our beaten path to find a new perspective. Running makes us consider our surroundings in new ways. The same scenes we pass every day by car feel completely different on foot. So, how do running routes impact our running mindset?

buying running shoes

Can’t Stop Buying Running Shoes? Research Backs Your Habit

Paying for experiences is more likely to lead to happiness than buying material goods. A problematic finding for running shoe addicts like me. But when you consider the opportunities presented by a good pair of running shoes, you realize the conundrum: buying running shoes is a material purchase that leads to the best experiences life can offer. Here’s how to justify to your significant other, family, and to yourself, that buying endless pairs of running shoes is a smart investment.