Monument Avenue 10k

Monument Avenue 10k Recap: Quite the Monumental Race

Despite nearly two decades of running, I’d never registered for a 10k race. I’ve conquered everything from 5Ks to marathons, yet the 6.2-mile length was the one distance that eluded me. That all changed this past weekend, when I ran Richmond’s Monument Avenue 10k through the scenic streets of Virginia’s capital city steeped in American history.

Beautiful race setting aside, it wasn’t why I decided to run the race. It was another runner—a newer runner—who forced my hand, or, rather, feet into racing.

running shoe foams

Comparing the Top Running Shoe Foams: Which Are the Best?

Arguably the most important component of a running shoe is the midsole foam. No one cares about the outsole, upper, and especially not the asinine heel pull tab. I ask yet again: how difficult is it to put on and take off a pair of running shoes? So, how can you choose the best running shoe foams to match your picky preferences? Beats me. However, if you’re looking for descriptions of why the name of every midsole foam is silly, you’ve come to the right place.

post-marathon recovery plan

My Post-Marathon Recovery Plan: Winging It

It’s been said that marathon recovery is just as important as training. Why don’t I follow a post-marathon recovery plan like I do a training plan? The last thing I want to do after a four-month training block is follow another plan!

I recently recapped my disappointing sixth marathon, the Virginia Beach Shamrock Marathon, and failed second attempt at breaking three hours. As much as I’m determined to find my next marathon and begin a new training plan, I’ve been greatly enjoying a more carefree post-marathon recovery plan: no plan.