The Running Event

Attending The Running Event for the First Time

For years, I’ve watched from afar with great interest as running media including Believe in the Run, Kofuzi, Road Trail Run, and others cover exciting running innovations and insights, showcased at The Running Event. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, the industry’s “premier run and outdoor specialty retail conference and trade show” is the event to witness the evolution of running. This week, I’m getting up-close and personal with the event in Austin, TX by attending with a press badge.

thankful for running

Giving Thanks: Why I’m Thankful for Running This Year

I have a lot to be thankful for in 2023, both on and off the roads. With Thanksgiving around the corner (best of luck in dealing with your relatives), I figured I’d spend a blog post detailing why I’m thankful for running (and more) and sharing it with complete strangers like you. After all, gratitude helps us feel positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve health, and more. I can’t fit everything I’m thankful for into this post, so I chose six, in no particular order.

running shoe names

How Are Running Shoe Names Chosen? Go Behind the Scenes

As a running shoe geek, I’ve always wanted to be a fly on the wall in meetings of running shoe companies. Fortunately, I was able to sneak in a recorder underneath the conference room table at the headquarters of a running shoe company. You’re in for a treat! The following is the conversation of company executives discussing running shoe names for their newest pair. Ready to listen to how the sausage is made?

marathon recovery and after a marathon

Marathon Recovery: Returning to Running After a Marathon

It’s been a week since I ran the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying the brief respite from running as part of my marathon recovery. After a marathon — and 18 long, intense weeks of training — it’s nice to plop myself on the couch and not worry about when I’ll go running—or do any exercise. It’s very tough returning to running after a marathon. Just as with the 26.2 mile distance, marathon recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. Here’s how I recover.